Saturday, June 07, 2008

Patroness Saint Catherine of Sweden

Saint Catherine of Sweden is the daughter of a more known saint; St Bridget. Catherine born on 1330, promised to take the vow of continence with her husband. In 1348, she traveled to Rome to follow her mother who went there after the death of her husband.

Catherine's husband, on the other hand, died a short time after she went to Rome. Thereafter, St Catherine and her mother considered Rome as a major base for pilgrimage to other religious places such as Jerusalem.

Aside from engaging in pilgrimages, the mother and daughter spent their spare time saying the prayers and meditating. The also work to uplift the spirit of the poor, leading them to the Lord.

After one pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Bridget passed away. Catherine brought her mother back to her country of birth; Bridget was buried it Vadstena, specifically in the Order of the Holy Savior Convent. Catherine, who was also its founder, headed the order. She passed away 24 March 1381.

St. Catherine is known as the Patron Saint of Protection against abortion and miscarriages. She is also recognized as the Patroness of Sweden. Her feast day is on March 22.

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