Monday, October 29, 2007

All Saints Day

Two days to go and it's All Saints Day. November 1 is a special day for Catholic countries as it is the time for time to visit their departed loved ones in the memorial parks and cemeteries. Actually, I am wondering why it is so-called because it is associated with our departed loved ones and not our saints. There is the All Souls Day, which is commemorated on November 2, and should appropriately be the day in which we should remember the dead. But many Catholic countries, especially the Philippines, we have grown accustomed to remembering our deceased relatives and loved ones on the first day of November. Halloween, while a big celebration in some countries, is not widely celebrated in others. All Saints day in some places like in Manila is more of a chance for reunions - for families to get together. It becomes a yearly get together for relatives and friends, being able to see everyone when visiting a departed relative. Remember that All Saints Day is primarily a day of prayers offered to our loved ones who passed away. Let us pray for the eternal repose of their souls.

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