Monday, June 05, 2006

Novena to Saint Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia is the Patron Saint of the Impossible. Through her powerful intercession, numerous prayers were heard. And many wishes, from the simple to the noble, were granted.

I have composed a short and unique prayer, to be said as a novena for Saint Rita of Cascia. I made it short to be intended for people busy in their every day ways, but would still like to pray and communicate to Saint Rita of Cascia, and honor her as an important saint of the Lord.

Short novena to Saint Rita of Cascia

My dear Saint of the Impossible, Saint Rita of Cascia,
The patroness of the people in most need,
Whose words and intercessions before the Lord
are always heard.

I pray to you my petition
And hope that you intercede to the Lord
That it may be granted..

(Here say your petition.)

Hoping fervently that God finds it worthy.

Upon the granting of my request,
I promise to tell everyone of the fulfillment of my wish
Through your powerful intercession.


Pray this for 9 consecutive days, and try your best to publish the Saint Rita of Cascia novena if your request through her intercession is granted.

Would you like to spread information about Saint Rita of Cascia? Please buy Saint Rita medal whenever you can and give it to loved ones and friends. It will be a wonderful gift.


Anonymous said...

I am very grateful to St. Rita of Cascia for the favor she has granted me. It has evolved over time as was needed to have happened and I can't thank her enough for what she has given me.

Brooklyn, NY

stacimcg said...

My 14 year old son and I have been going through a difficult time, as his father and I are divorced. I prayed the novena to St. Rita that my son would be "okay", and be happy with me. After doing the novena to saint rita, May 14-May22, my son seems much more well adjusted, happier, more active in sports (he got an award)and has been hanking out with more friends. THANK YOU SAINT RITA! You have answered my prayers.

ernestmaitim said...

I am happy for both of you kathy and stacimg. Your prayers are heard and granted by the Lord thru the powerful intercession of Saint Rita of Cascia. Now she again granted my prayers involving my brother. Thank you so much St Rita.